Thursday, 21 October 2010

Lots to tell...

... I really am rubbish at keeping this blog up to date.
From now on I will try my very best to keep on top of it!

Well where do I start...

Back in July we went on an amazing holiday to France the weather was fab, the scenery beautiful and the wine too easy to drink! We spent two weeks chilling out and didn't want to return home. The time came though when we had to pack our bags and head back to rainy England.

On my return I was told that the part time job I had to support my own business was to close.


What do I do! I didn't want an office job I'd worked in a pub for 7 years so really didn't want to go back.

I had two options:

1. I search for a job that I would be happy with full or part time.
2. I really push my own business and see how it goes.

I wanted to go for option 2 but with a house to keep running etc there was a part of me that said I really shouldn't...

The searching continued but I wasn't getting anywhere.

The end on July was approaching, I only had 3 weeks left to find a job! Panic set in.

Whilst still searching a friend told me they had a space above their hair salon that was empty and would I like to have a look at it? Ok I thought know harm in looking...

Four weeks later I opened a shop!

Handmade by...

I sell my own jewellery and accessories as well as other handmade items.

It's brilliant, so glad I did it! Ok so I have quiet days and I don't really get days off but it's what I've always wanted to do and now I'm doing it!

I'm in Congleton, Cheshire. If you're in the area do pop in!


Betsy Jarvis said...

your shop looks fabulous!!!!!!! so classy the very best of luck with it!!
I have also started a blog (we will see how long it lasts!! :-/ )

Again fab looking shop...really really nice....happy blogging!!

Charlotte Hupfield Ceramics said...

Such an inspiring story! Congratulations on your new shop :)

Gemheaven said...

Ohhh how exciting and I have to say your shop looks fabulous ~ congratulations and the best of luck ~ if I come to Cheshire I'll be sure to look you up :}